
My Story

My journey creating Tre Milo began with the desire to live a cleaner lifestyle. Practicing mindfulness with what I put in and on my body was conducive to the beauty products I chose to use. Unfortunately after trying many brands advertised as “ethical” I realized they were also underperforming. They simply did not generate the results I expected from my cosmetics. I then decided if I could not purchase what I needed, that I’d have to create it. And after much research and testing, Tre Milo was born.

Behind my brand I provide mindful cosmetics to individuals who believe in consuming products made with integrity. Tre Milo is known as a brand that is vegan, cruelty-free and gluten-free. And that is what makes me proud! Honoring what goes into my products is a reflection of how I honor myself. With Tre Milo cleaner beauty is possible!

Love and Light

- Tre Milo